How to register in Minecraft

Registration of a game account in Minecraft is necessary for access to multiplayer servers and additional features. How to correctly pass the registration in Minecraft? Where to start the process of creating an account? What recommendations should be taken into account? We will talk about all this in this article.

How to Register in Minecraft

How to register on the Minecraft server – Step-by-step guide

To start playing in the Minecraft multiplayer, you need to register on the selected game server. This is done like this:

  1. To do this, first you need to run Minecraft and select the server on which you want to register in the menu menu. After connecting to the server, press the “T” key to open the intra -game chat;
  2. Then enter the command “/register” and after the gap indicate the password you invented, and then repeat this password again. For example: “/register qwerty123”. This will create your game account on this server;
  3. At the next inputs to the same server, use the “/login” command and your password after the gap. For example: “/login qwerty123”. This will allow you to log in on the server under your registered account.

When registering, be sure to come up with a unique nickname that will be your game name on the server. In nicknames, you can use Latin letters, numbers and lower emphasis. It is recommended to record and save your nickname and password for the server so as not to lose this data.

How to register in the launcher Tlauncher

The popular launcher Minecraft Tlaunch also requires registration before the game.

To create an account in Tlauncher:

  1. Go to the official website of Tlaunch and click the “Registration” button ’
  2. Come up with a unique nickname and enter your email address ’
  3. Come up with a reliable password containing numbers, letters and symbols. Repeat password’
  4. Accept the user agreement and enter the captcha.
  5. Press the “Register” button.

After that you can download Tlauncher and play Minecraft. At the time of launcher launcher, enter your data to enter the profile.

How to restore data for entering

If you have forgotten your nickname or password from the account, they can be restored through email indicated during registration as follows:

  • On the entrance page, click “Forgot the password?”. Enter nickname or email from your profile. Confirm that the account belongs to you;
  • The specified email will receive a letter with a password restoration instructions.

You can also write to the technical support of the service, providing evidence that your account is.

Thus, the procedure for registering and restoring access to the account in the Minecraft is quite simple. The main thing is to carefully store and not lose your data.


So, we examined the main points related to the registration of a game account in Minecraft. It would seem that it could be easier – I came up with nickname, password, and forward, conquer virtual worlds! However, do not treat this process frivolous. After all, how reliably you register your account initially, your further game experience depends. Therefore, before diving with your head into the world of cubes, re -read the instructions again, check your data for the entrance and, if necessary, save it in a safe place. Then no digital obstacles and grifer traps will definitely be terrible for you! Forward, in new virtual worlds and grandiose buildings! May Minecraft become a source of inspiration and joy for you for many years. And it all starts with such a simple and important step as registration. Good luck!

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